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ماسك أوزو بير أوروا إلومينايتينغ ماسك الوجه


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تفاصيل المنتج

تفاصيل المنتج

The OOZOO Bear, a skin fixer, came to the Earth from outer space to give you a clear solution for your skin problems! The innovative character solution series 2, Aurora Bear,The dull skin fixer Aurora Bear gives you a healthy-looking radiant skin.,,DETAILS:,1) Fold and burst the OOZOO Bear’s ear that contains key active ingredients, which activate the core skin function, right before use to be mixed with the sheet mask, thereby bringing fundamental care and rapid effect to your skin.,2) Offer fun and curiosity to the dull facial mask market with through a unique but familiar OOZOO Bear character and a separate ampoule that is folded for bursting.,3) Curb active oxygen in the skin to make your skin hydrated and supple; the plant-based moisturizer traps moisture to the skin and realizes milky white skin.,,Aurora Bear sheet,Eco bamboo light sheet: A 100% plant-based fiber extracted from the pure bamboo has high moisture absorption/retention ability and helps the lightweight sheet adhere firmly to the skin.,,MAIN INGREDIENTS:,- Compartment1 Ampoule (key active ingredients),Caryocar Brasilense Fruit Oil- Caryocar Brasilense provides the skin with a new energy and vitality, keeping your skin healthy and glowy.,- Compartment2 Mask (base ingredients),Rice bran- Rice bran, rich in Vitamins and dietary fiber, reduces the appearance of uneven skin tone by improving your complexion and moisture absorption ability.,,HOW TO USE:,Step1. Fold the fold-lines 1 and 2 in order, concentrate the ampoule in the OOZOO Bear’s ear in the direction of the arrow.,Step2. Press the concentrated ampoule with the thumb in the direction of the arrow.,Step.3 Before opening to retrieve the mask, please make sure that the ampoule has been thoroughly absorbed and evenly dispersed,throughout the mask sheet by lightly massing the pouch.,Step4. Apply the thoroughly saturated mask on your face, leave on for about 15~20 mins before removing. After removing, gently pat your,face until the remaining ampoule essence is completely absorbed.
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مثلك تمامًا، إن بيوتي نيشن، ماركة مهووسة بالجمال، ولم تترك أي جهد لتجلب لك أفضل الماركات عالمية للجمال من جميع أنحاء العالم. تم اختيار منتجات بيوتي نيشن يدويًا من قبل الخبراء خصيصاً لكِ، حيث تمنحك أفضل ما في الجمال، من أحدث ماركات للعناية بالبشرة النظيفة إلى منتجات تكشف عن جوهر العناية بالشعر بالإضافة إلى الأدوات الأكثر فعالية التي يهتم بها عالم الجمال. لا يطوق لبيوتي نيشن الانتظار لتمنحك الجمال الذي لطالما حلمت به. جمال بلا تعب!